Many people have inquired about having an already, very well-trained dog or a member of the family. One that you feel will qualify as your service dog.
We here at Canine Companions USA can assist you in this endeavor as well, we have qualified individuals all over the US whom can evaluate and assist with off-site and or remote training to help you enhance and expand upon your dog’s abilities and to be able complete specific task, then they can receive their the much-needed certifications.
Canine Companions USA provides much-needed service dog certifications in many ways.
Most are individuals whom have received one-on-one training from a certified master trainer and graduated from our program.
We will guide you step-by-step through the entire process, the certification we issue will be accepted wherever ADA laws and governances allow. Once your pet is certified you receive a certificate and certification letter in the mail along with 6’ Service Dog Double Hook Leash the appropriately sized service dog Leather harness / vest. And patch bearing the moniker SERVICE DOG.